Frank Herbert´s Dune - Obrazové a zvukové nosiče a Otvorený dopis Briana Herberta fanúšikom Duny - december 2005: Porovnání stránek

Z Herbert's dune
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==Obrazové nosiče==
''Nižšie uvedený text je prekladom otvoreného dopisu [[BH|Briana Herberta]] fanúšikom Duny z decembra 2005, ktorý je reakciou na početné (i keď menšinové) odmietavé reakcie na jeho romány z prostredia Duniverza. Originál textu nájdete na stránkach [].''

''Miniséria bola vydaná ako NTSC VHS a na R1 DVD spoločnosťou Artisan Entertainment, v Európe ako PAL VHS verzia a R2 DVD. Nakrúcalo sa na [ 35 mm Univisium], systém, ktorý vymyslel [[Vittorio Storaro]].''
[[Soubor:Fhd mk jh1.jpeg|center|[[Miljen Klakovič]] (vedúci výroby, vľavo) a [[John Harrison]] (režisér a scenárista, vpravo)]]
''Dodatočné scény (ktoré boli považované pre americkú televíziu za príliš kontroverzné) boli začlenené vo vysielaní v Európe. Dajú sa tiež nájsť na nemeckom vydaní R2 DVD, ktoré obsahuje originálny anglický zvuk rovnako ako nemecký dabing. V súčasnosti je k dispozícií iba vo forme európskeho DVD vydania. R1 DVD obsahuje americkú zostrihanú verziu - vystrihnuté sú všetky scény nahoty, takmer celá postava Farrah (čo do značnej miery mení dokonca i dej a pochopenie vzťahu medzi [[Irulán]] a [[Feyd|Feydom Harkonnenom]]: zostrihané je to totiž tak, že v tejto verzií to vyzerá, akoby Irulán dala za informácie Feydovi svoje telo, v nezostrihanej verzií mu ale ponúkne za seba práve Farrah), viaceré scény sú skrátené alebo inak natočené (napr. scéna s Feydom vo vani a tromi ženami. v tejto verzií sú všetky oblečené; zoznam vystrihnutých scén je uvedený nižšie). R1 DVD, tzv. "Director edition" obsahuje cca 30 minút dodatočných alebo alternatívnych scén, ktoré sa neobjavujú v originálnej verzií.''
<br>''UK verzia na VHS bola zostrihaná tak, aby získala dostupnosť od 12 rokov. Chýba napríklad scéna so zlomenou rukou a pod.''

====Frank Herbert´s Dune - DVD (USA)====
[[Soubor:Fhd dvd artisan2001.jpg|100px|left]]
::::*''Réžia'': [[John Harrison]]
::::*''Technické údaje'': R1, anglicky (DD 2.0 Stereo), 295 minút, widescreen anamorphic
::::*''Vydané'': 3.4.2001, 16.10.2001, Artisan Home Entertainment
::::*''Bonusy'': "Behind the Scenes" - 30 min; fotogaléria; "The Cinematographic Ideation of Frank Herbert's Dune" - interaktívna úvaha od Vittoria Storara
::::*''ASIN'': B00005O5BA
::::*''Kúpiť'': []
====Frank Herbert´s Dune - 2xDVD (USA)====
::::*''Réžia'': [[John Harrison]]
::::*''Technické údaje'': R1, NTSC, anglicky, DD 2.0 Surround Sound, anamorphic widescreen
::::*''Vydané'': 20.3.2001, Artisan Home Entertainment
::::*''ASIN'': B000059H6K
::::*''Kúpiť'': []
====Frank Herbert´s Dune - 3xDVD (Director´s cut Special Edition)====
[[Soubor:Fhd dvd artisan dc.jpg|100px|left]]
::::*''Réžia'': [[John Harrison]]
::::*''Technické údaje'': R1, 16 x 9 anamorphic widescreen (nový remastering), NTSC, anglicky (DTS 5.1, DD 5.1 i DD 2.0 Stereo), 295 minút, anamorphic widescreen, DTS Surround Sound
::::*''Vydané'': 11.6.2002, Artisan Entertainment
::::*''ASIN'': B0000639EV
::::*''Kúpiť'': []
Tento 3-diskový set obsahuje „director's cut“ verziu s viac ako 30 minútami nových scén. Okrem toho tu nájdete:
*'''Disk 1:'''
:*"The Lure of Spice" - 25-minútový dokument približuje nakrúcanie, dizajnérske kreácie, tvorbu špeciálnych efektov a realizáciu niektorých akčných scén. (Nachádza sa i na pôvodnom originálnom DVD vydaní.)
:*"[[Graeme Revell]] Reveals" - 5-minútové interview so skladateľom, kde popisuje svoj prístup k tvorbe a vplyv Stredného východu vo svojich skladbách.
:*Asi 7-minútová zmes ukážok z hudby.
:*"The Photo and Sketch Gallery" - galéria fotografií a skíc, ktorá je rozdelená do 3 sekcií: "Visual Effects", "Character and Costume Sketches" a "Storyboards".
:*Rozhovory a komentáre režiséra a autora scenára [[John Harrison|Johna Harrisona]] s filmovým editorom [[Harry Miller]]om, druhým režisérom a supervisorom špeciálnych efektov [[Ernest Farino|Ernestom Farinom]], Gregom Nicoterom a Timom McHughom. Tieto komentáre sa nachádzajú na všetkých troch diskoch, ich centrom je John Harrison, ktorý si postupne prizýva k rozhovoru jednotlivých členov produkčného týmu.
*'''Disk 2:'''
:*"[[Willis McNelly]] on Frank Herbert´s Dune" - 12-minútový monológ autora "[[The Dune Encyclopedia]]", kde McNelly komentuje ekologické, alegorické a mytologické pozadie Herbertovej Duny. Hovorí i o [[FH|Frankovi Herbertovi]] ako človeku; bol jeho dobrým priateľom.
:*"Science Fiction/Science Future" - takmer polhodinová panelová diskusia v UCLA z januára 2002 moderovaná Arthurom Coverom, ktorej sa zúčastnili sci-fi spisovatelia Harlan Ellison, Octavia Butler, Michael Cassutt, vynálezca Ray Kurzwell a režisér John Harrison. Hovoria o evolúcií vedy, inšpiráciách pre svoju tvorbu, o morálnych problémoch spojených s vedeckým pokrokom a vzťahu medzi vedou a náboženstvom.
:*"Cast and Crew" - krátke biografie a filmografie 17 hercov
:*"Production Notes" - 20 obrázkov, ktoré sa venujú vzťahu románu a jeho filmovej interpretácie
*'''Disk 3:'''
:*"Color Wheel" - 12 minút, uvádzaný kameramanom [[Vittorio Storaro|Vittoriom Storarom]], ktorý hovorí o vzťahu farieb a ich emocionálnom dopade na psychiku. Tieto vzťahy pri nakrúcaní minisérie totiž bohato využil.
:*"Frank Herbert´s Dune - A Cinematographic Treatment" - ezoterická a trochu nezrozumiteľná monografia Vittoria Storara, kde kladie paralely medzi [[Paul Atreides|Paulovu]] cestu rastu a dozrievania v kontexte mysticizmu [[Bene Gesserit]]u a symbolizmus farieb.
:*"The Cinematic Ideation of Frank Herbert's Dune" - krátka textová esej, ktorej autorom je Storaro.
:*"Defining the Messiah" - dokument porovnávajúci definície a pohľady na Mesiáša zo zorného poľa hlavných svetových náboženstiev (rabín Mordachai Finely, Elaine Pagels, Munir Shaikh, a jungovský psychológ Gabrielle Bodo).
:*"Walking and Talking with John Harrison" - John Harrison popisuje proces tvorby scenára, paralely so súčasným svetom, boj civilizácie s terorizmom a nebezpečenstvo "politiky a náboženstva idúcich v spoločnom koči".
:*"Children of Dune Sneak Peak Preproduction Gallery" - obrázky z pripravovaného [[FHCOD|pokračovania minisérie]].
:*Komentár k tretiemu disku - John Harrison, editor Harry Miller, Ernest Farino a Tim McHugh (supervizor špeciálnych efektov z fy.Area 51)
*'''Ešte sa na diskoch nachádza:'''
:*"Remember Tomorrow" - zosnulý Frank Herbert hovorí o Dune v "Tomorrow Show"
Oproti TV-verzií vysielanej v USA obsahuje samotný film tieto scény navyše:
[[Soubor:Fhd dvd artisan dc2.jpeg|right]]
*Na palube maxitrajleru vysvetľuje Hawat Paulovi, prečo neverí Bene Gesseritu
*Yueh sa rozpráva s Jessikou o zmiznutí svojej ženy, naznačujúc a vysvetľujúc tak svoju budúcu zradu
*Paul stretne Kynesa v arboréte, kde mu ten naznačuje, že podnebie Arrakis je možné zmeniť
*Rozšírená banketová scéna: Paul nahnevane odchádza od stola v reakcií na slová Irulán + ďalší rozhovor s predstaviteľom Gildy
*Tesne pred útokom sa Jessica a Leto rozprávajú v jeho pracovni
*Zlomyselnosti Harkonnenov smerujúce na Jessiku o ich plánoch s ňou a jej synom
*Rozšírená scéna so škodoradosťou Harkonnenov nad bezvládnym Letom: Leto si mrmle "zub" predtým, ako použije jedovatý plyn
*barón Harkonnen má nočnú moru o Paulovi predtým, ako ho prebudí Feyd so správou o Kynesovom prežití
*Počas scény s Harkonnenmi nad Kynesom Feyd vypľuje malé množstvo vody
*Irulan prikazuje Farrah, aby na Giedi Prime zviedla Feyda a ona tak mohla zistiť, čo sa skutočne stalo s Paulom
*scény nahých fremenov, vyzliekajúcich si filteršaty; Chani sa cíti z Paulovho upreného pohľadu nesvoja a zakryje si svoje odhalené prsia
*Farrah je po Feydovom boku, keď sa chystá navštíviť baróna so správou o Rabbanovom nezmyselnom vyvražďovaní fremenov
*Fenring musí presvedčovať Shaddama, že je dobrý nápad, aby Irulán šla na Giedi Primu
*Chani a Jessica sa pred príchodom Ramallo rozprávajú
*Fenring a barón Harkonnen sa zhovárajú o Kynesovom mieste pobytu a architektúre Harkonnenov potom, ako sledovali Feydov tréning na jeho stý gladiátorský súboj
*dodatočná scéna nahoty pri Feydovom kúpeli; potom, čo Irulán presvedčí Feyda k rozhovoru o Paulovi a Jessike, nechá Farrah pokračovať v jeho zvádzaní. Fenring si ju všimne, ako vykĺzne preč
*Nahota v scéne s tancujúcou fremenskou ženou počas síčových orgií
*Chanin príchod do síča, s Jessikou a Letom II, mávajúcimi z balkóna
*Potom, čo Paul prikáže Chani, aby odišla do bezpečia s Letom II, sleduje ich odchod a nasadí si jej náhrdelník sajadíny
*Irulán a imperiálny úradník sa rozprávajú o tom, kto to je Muad'dib
*Príchod Feyda a baróna do Imperiálneho paláca
*Fedajkín privádza Paula do budovy naplnenej harkonnenskými zajatcami a predstaviteľmi Gildy
*Stilgar vysvetľuje Paulovi správnu techniku jazdy na červovi
*Vonkajší záber letu dvoch fregát z maxitrajleru nad Arrakis
*Paul vidí Letovho ducha potom, ako vloží jeho lebku do svätyne
====Frank Herbert´s Dune - 3xDVD (Veľká Británia)====
[[Soubor:Fhd dvd cfhe uk.jpg|100px|left]]
::::*''Réžia'': John Harrison
::::*''Technické údaje'': R2, PAL MPEG2, anglicky (DD 5.1), 288 minút, widescreen (1,77:1, 16x9)
::::*''Titulky'': české, dánske, holandské, anglické, fínske, hebrejské, maďarské, islandské, nórske, poľské, portugalské, švédske (zrejme existuje i verzia len s anglickými titulkami, tak pozor!)
::::*''Vydané'': 26.11.2001, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
::::*''Bonusy'': Trailer, Making of Part 1: The Filmmakers Vision; Making of Part 2: The Production Story; fotogaléria; "The Cinematographic Ideation of Frank Herbert's Dune" - interaktívna úvaha od Vittoria Storara
::::*''ASIN'': B00005QG3Z
::::*''Kúpiť'': []
'''Disk 1 menu'''
*Play Movie....
:*Scene selection....
:*1 opening credits
:*2 The reverend mother
:*3 next stop arrakis
:*4 The evil harkonnen
:*5 House atreides now
:*6 They fear us
:*7 Signals in the dark
:*8 This is Dr Kynes
:*9 Desert Tour
:*10 Feyd fights a slave
:*11 What is muad'dib
:*12 Hunter Seeker
:*13 Harkonnen setback
:*14 Atreides Dinner Party
:*15 Paul & the princess
:*16 Fremen / Atreides
:*17 Back-stabber
:*18 Atreides is Dead
:*19 They Flee
:*20 Closing Credits
*Trailer for the series
'''Disk 2 menu'''
*Play Movie....
*Scene selection....
:*1 opening credits
:*2 It was Yueh
:*3 Angry Princes
:*4 A close encounter
:*5 Finding the fremen
:*6 Girl in your Dreams
:*7 To the death Boy
:*8 A new name
:*9 Express worm
:*10 Ambush
:*11 Reverend mothers visitor
:*12 I in the mood for a party
:*13 Fremen leaders meet
:*14 Mother & son
:*15 Chani and muad'dib
:*16 The weirding way
:*17 The water of life
:*18 Changing the water
:*19 You make me see things
:*20 closing credits
*Making of Dune
*The Filmmakers Vision (29 minutes)
*The Production Story (31 minutes)
'''Disk 3 menu'''
*Play Movie...
*Scene selection....
:*1 opening credits
:*2 Duke leto's remains
:*3 Baron & Feyd's pledge
:*4 My children are not freaks
:*5 Muad'dib rides the worm
:*6 Gurney & Paul reunited
:*7 Your highness is perceptive
:*8 Guild agent is captured
:*9 Emperor Summons the Baron
:*10 Gurneys mistaken revenge
:*11 Muad'dib drinks the water of life
:*12 Jessica sees the light
:*13 Take your place muad'dib
:*14 The sleeper has awoken
:*15 Zadaka Attack
:*16 A message for the emperor
:*17 My brother comes
:*18 Robbon is beheaded (yes robbon is spelt wrong)
:*19 Muad'dib Threatens the empire
:*20 Closing credits
*Photo gallery (45 stills for the movie / team)
====Frank Herbert´s Dune - Der Wüstenplanet (2000) - 2xDVD (Nemecko)====
[[Soubor:Fhd dvd nem2001.jpg|100px|left]]
::::*''Réžia'': John Harrison
::::*''Technické údaje'': R2 DVD, Dolby, Surround Sound, PAL 16:9 anamorphic widescreen, 295 minút (všetky 3 epizódy)
::::*''Jazyky'': nemecky (DD 5.1), anglicky (DD 5.1)
::::*''Titulky'': anglické, polské, české, maďarské, islandské, hindi, hebrejské, holandské, bulharské, turecké, nemecké, dánske, švédske, fínske, grécke, nórske, arabské
::::*''Bonusy'': filmové a promočné trailery, 30 minútový dokument "An Exclusive Look at the Making of Frank Herbert´s Dune", príbehy nakrúcania, fotogaléria
::::*''Vydavateľ'': Columbia Tristar Home Video (1.6.2001)
::::*''ASIN'': B00005IAXW
::::*''Kúpiť'': []
====Frank Herbert´s Dune - 2xVHS (USA)====
[[Soubor:Fhd vhs artisan2001.jpg|100px|left]]
::::*''Réžia'': John Harrison
::::*''Technické údaje'': anglicky, NTSC, 265 minút
::::*''Vydané'': 23.1.2001, Artisan Entertainment
::::*''ASIN'': B000053V8F
::::*''Kúpiť'': []
====Frank Herbert´s Dune - VHS (USA, EP verzia)====
[[Soubor:Fhd vhs artisan2001.jpg|100px|left]]
::::*''Réžia'': John Harrison
::::*''Technické údaje'': anglicky, NTSC, 266 minút
::::*''Vydané'': 23.10.2001, Lionsgate/Fox
::::*''ASIN'': B00005O5H0
::::*''Kúpiť'': []
====Frank Herbert´s Dune - 3xVHS (U.K.)====
*''Vydavateľ'': 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (26.11.2001)
*''Technické údaje'': anglicky, 288 minút, PAL, Dolby, Surround Sound
*''ASIN'': B00005NOME
*''Kúpiť'': []
|[[Soubor:Fhd vhs ukcenturyfox2001 1.jpg|thumb|100px]]
|[[Soubor:Fhd vhs ukcenturyfox2001 2.jpg|thumb|100px]]
|[[Soubor:Fhd vhs ukcenturyfox2001 3.jpg|thumb|100px]]
====Frank Herbert´s Dune - Der Wüstenplanet (2000) - 2xVHS (Nemecko)====
[[Soubor:Fhd vhs nem2001.jpg|100px|left]]
::::*''Réžia'': John Harrison
::::*''Technické údaje'': nemecky, Surround Sound, PAL, 273 minút (epizóda 1 a 2 na jednej kazete)
::::*''Vydané'': 26.4.2001
::::*''ASIN'': B00005BIQ1
::::*''Kúpiť'': []
===Frank Herbert´s Dune: The Lure of Spice - VHS===
[[Soubor:Fhd lureofspice vhs.jpg|100px|left]]
::::*Dokumentárny film o nakrúcaní minisérie, obsahujúci rozhovory s hercami, kameramanom a režisérom.
==Zvukové nosiče==
===Frank Herbert´s Dune Soundtrack===

[[Soubor:Fhd soundtrack revell.jpg|left|100px]]
::::*Producent a skladateľ: Graeme Revell
::::*Hrajú: Pražský filharmonický orchester a spevácky zbor
::::*Aranžér a plánovanie: David Russo
::::*Umelecký dozor: Mark Banning
::::*Mix: Juraj Ďurovič
::::*Digitálne spracovanie a konečná podoba: James Nelson
::::*Hudobný editor: Josh Winget
::::*Technické údaje: Audio CD
::::*Vydavateľ: GNP Crescendo Records (3.4.2001)
::::*ASIN: B00005EBHF (GNP 8071)
::::*Predaj: [], []

====Zoznam skladieb:====
Brian Herbert's Personal Letter to Dune Fans

'''Part 1'''
I have been writing new Dune novels with Kevin J. Anderson for several years now, and it has been a remarkable journey through my father's fantastic science-fiction universe. As many of you know, I did not undertake this task quickly. In fact, I delayed tackling any new Dune projects until 1997, eleven years after my father's untimely death. If I had wanted to maximize my income from these books, there was a big "window of opportunity" in the first couple of years after he passed away. For many reasons, most of them having to do with the integrity of my father's literary legacy, I did not continue the series when it would have been the most financially profitable.

*01. Main Theme, 1:55
It was not until many years later, after a great deal of the interest in Dune had waned, that I undertook new projects. By that time, I felt the necessary enthusiasm for the formidable task that this would involve, and I proceeded with the absolute certainty that I had found the writing partner in Kevin who matched my desire to maintain the extraordinary high quality of the series.
*02. Navigator Advises, 1:30
*03. Pain Box, 2:59
*04. Worm Sign / Escape the Worm, 4:17
*05. Dreamscape, 1:57
*06. Up The Ladder / Battle, 1:22*

'''Part 2'''
In 1999, several fans posted negative comments about our forthcoming series. Months before Dune: House Atreides was published, they said vitriolic things about a novel they had not even read, and they came up with insulting names for both Kevin and me. The comments troubled me, but I told my co-author that I forgave those fans. After all, they felt that they had a stake in the marvelous Dune universe, and they did not want anyone coming in with big boots on, tromping around on sacred ground. Those fans loved the Dune universe enough to want its quality to remain high, and some of them eventually apologized to us after they actually read House Atreides.

*07. Desert Trek, 1:44
When Kevin and I appeared at the big DragonCon convention in Atlanta in the summer of 1999, the fans had only read an excerpt booklet for House Atreides. The novel was still several months away from publication. When hundreds of fans lined up to see us, I didn't know if they would come with insults or tomatoes. A short while later, we had our answer. A man at the front of the line thanked us for continuing the series after so long. He said that he had been waiting for new stories, and he was tremendously excited. That day, we heard similar comments over and over, and they have continued whenever we make public appearances for each new novel. We are very grateful for this solid base of fans who look forward to a new Dune novel each year.
*08. Outrun Worm, 2:22
*09. Travel With Fremen, 1:21
*10. Reclaim Janis’ Water / Worm Riding, 4:47
*11. Fremen Village, 2:47
*12. Underground Lake Vision, 2:14
*13. Paul & Chani, 2:18
*14. Chani & Paul's Love, 2:07
*15. Worm Bark, 2:26
*16. Seduction-Pt.1, 1:53
*17. Seduction Pt.2, 4:12
*18. Jessica Changes Water, 1:41
*19. Desert Love, 1:28

'''Part 3'''
Before writing a single word in the series, I spent a year compiling a huge concordance of the Dune series that my father wrote, so that we could make sure that our facts were straight. I also spent years writing a biography of him, Dreamer of Dune, a massive project that enabled me to understand my complex father even more. Anyone who claims that I hated my father, or that I somehow wanted revenge on him, did not read this book. While my relationship with him was rocky when I was growing up in his strict household, by the time I reached my twenties he and I became best friends, and we even collaborated on the very last novel that he wrote, Man of Two Worlds. I loved him deeply and I miss him tremendously. The day does not go by when I do not think of my remarkable father and the incredible literary legacy that he left for his millions of fans.

*20. Paul’s Vision, 1:41
I have said many times that Frank Herbert would not have been the incredible man that he was, or the genius author, if it had not been for the contributions of my mother, Beverly Herbert. She was his inspiration, his intellectual equal, and his loving companion for nearly four decades. To understand Frank Herbert, it is essential to understand her as well, so I worked hard to bring her back to life in Dreamer of Dune. But I am also part of the process of understanding Frank Herbert. I am genetically linked to him, and I also heard him say many things (politics, philosophy, etc.) that I have been able to include in new Dune novels. I don't claim to be Frank Herbert or to have anywhere near his talent. But I have bits and pieces of him in everything I do and in every thought I have. He is always with me.
*21. Conquering The Worm, 2:51
*22. Paul Drinks, 2:49
*23. Paul Reigns, 3:37
*24. The Killing of the Innocent, 2:22
*25. Baron Harkonnen Dies, 2:01
*26. Jihad Begins / Last Fight, 2:57
*27. Paul Chooses-Finale, 3:25

I am not asking anyone to respect me just because they respected Frank Herbert. But I am asking for a fair shake. Unfortunately, it is part of our culture for people to make snap judgments about others without a scintilla of evidence to support their views. They simply have gut reactions, or preconceived notions, and confuse that with evidence. The news media and others are constantly asking people if they think that So-and-So is guilty of this or that, and opinions pour in -- on both sides. Guilty or innocent. But those "trial by public opinion" verdicts are based, in large degree, on filtered information and not on actual evidence. This is a form of shallow thinking, if it can be called thinking at all. It is more emotion-based than intellectual, and the emotions can easily send people careening in the wrong direction.

Obviously, we have vastly more fans who support our new Dune stories than there are detractors. That's why sales of the new novels have been so strong, and why the overwhelming majority of letters that we receive are positive. It is also encouraging to us that sales of Frank Herbert's six Dune novels increased dramatically after Kevin and I started publishing our prequels. Dune in particular has enjoyed a renaissance, as new, younger readers are picking up the classic novel for the first time.

Even with the few negative and unfair comments that Kevin has responded to in his "Conspiracy Theories" blog, I respect those fans. They love the Dune universe and they want the best for it. Remember, though, that it is not possible to please everyone all of the time. Even Frank Herbert could not do that, as many fans and editors did not understand his first sequel Dune Messiah, in which he made the dark side of the hero central to the story. More than a decade after that, in 1984, the David Lynch movie "Dune" was severely criticized as well. In both cases, it was largely because fans had their own images of what the Dune universe should contain, and the sequel novel and the movie did not match those images. For some fans, it is undoubtedly the same now, as the books that Kevin and I write do not match their own images.

*The Digital Bits
In the Dune universe, however, it is important to keep an open mind. It has such an incredible wealth of ideas that anyone working in that "sandbox" is bound to go in any number of directions. That's part of the enjoyment of writing new Dune stories, and I can assure you that Kevin and I are having a wonderful time in the creative process. It is great fun as we play off each other like riffing in a jazz performance, taking each other's ideas to new levels.

Thinking back, I remember how much I enjoyed L. Frank Baum's "Oz" series when I was a boy. I was six years old when my mother handed me a thick Oz novel and told me I was ready to read it. It wasn't long before I had read through all of the Baum books and I was looking for more. Baum had died, but the series was continued by others afterward, particularly by Ruth Plumly Thompson. To my delight, I found that I enjoyed her novels just as much as the originals. In a very engaging style, she wrote Purple Prince of Oz, The Gnome King of Oz, The Silver Princess in Oz, The Cowardly Lion of Oz, and other great stories. If she had not continued the series, it would have been a great loss to me.

On a different level, the Dune series is like that. While the novels are much more complex than Oz stories, Frank Herbert generated a tremendously loyal readership, and those fans were disappointed when he died. They wanted to read new stories. It would be better if he could be here today writing the new novels, but that is not possible. In his absence, Kevin and I are doing the very best job we possibly can. We don't expect to please everyone, but in each novel we always try to write for the most demanding of fans, because we understand why their standards are so high.

The Dune universe stands on its own pinnacle. We recognize that, and we will not publish any books that are not the highest quality. I take this very seriously, and you have my word on it.

[[Kategorie:Frank Herbert´s Dune]]
Brian Herbert
December 15, 2005

Verze z 3. 2. 2008, 18:25

Nižšie uvedený text je prekladom otvoreného dopisu Briana Herberta fanúšikom Duny z decembra 2005, ktorý je reakciou na početné (i keď menšinové) odmietavé reakcie na jeho romány z prostredia Duniverza. Originál textu nájdete na stránkach

Brian Herbert's Personal Letter to Dune Fans

I have been writing new Dune novels with Kevin J. Anderson for several years now, and it has been a remarkable journey through my father's fantastic science-fiction universe. As many of you know, I did not undertake this task quickly. In fact, I delayed tackling any new Dune projects until 1997, eleven years after my father's untimely death. If I had wanted to maximize my income from these books, there was a big "window of opportunity" in the first couple of years after he passed away. For many reasons, most of them having to do with the integrity of my father's literary legacy, I did not continue the series when it would have been the most financially profitable.

It was not until many years later, after a great deal of the interest in Dune had waned, that I undertook new projects. By that time, I felt the necessary enthusiasm for the formidable task that this would involve, and I proceeded with the absolute certainty that I had found the writing partner in Kevin who matched my desire to maintain the extraordinary high quality of the series.

In 1999, several fans posted negative comments about our forthcoming series. Months before Dune: House Atreides was published, they said vitriolic things about a novel they had not even read, and they came up with insulting names for both Kevin and me. The comments troubled me, but I told my co-author that I forgave those fans. After all, they felt that they had a stake in the marvelous Dune universe, and they did not want anyone coming in with big boots on, tromping around on sacred ground. Those fans loved the Dune universe enough to want its quality to remain high, and some of them eventually apologized to us after they actually read House Atreides.

When Kevin and I appeared at the big DragonCon convention in Atlanta in the summer of 1999, the fans had only read an excerpt booklet for House Atreides. The novel was still several months away from publication. When hundreds of fans lined up to see us, I didn't know if they would come with insults or tomatoes. A short while later, we had our answer. A man at the front of the line thanked us for continuing the series after so long. He said that he had been waiting for new stories, and he was tremendously excited. That day, we heard similar comments over and over, and they have continued whenever we make public appearances for each new novel. We are very grateful for this solid base of fans who look forward to a new Dune novel each year.

Before writing a single word in the series, I spent a year compiling a huge concordance of the Dune series that my father wrote, so that we could make sure that our facts were straight. I also spent years writing a biography of him, Dreamer of Dune, a massive project that enabled me to understand my complex father even more. Anyone who claims that I hated my father, or that I somehow wanted revenge on him, did not read this book. While my relationship with him was rocky when I was growing up in his strict household, by the time I reached my twenties he and I became best friends, and we even collaborated on the very last novel that he wrote, Man of Two Worlds. I loved him deeply and I miss him tremendously. The day does not go by when I do not think of my remarkable father and the incredible literary legacy that he left for his millions of fans.

I have said many times that Frank Herbert would not have been the incredible man that he was, or the genius author, if it had not been for the contributions of my mother, Beverly Herbert. She was his inspiration, his intellectual equal, and his loving companion for nearly four decades. To understand Frank Herbert, it is essential to understand her as well, so I worked hard to bring her back to life in Dreamer of Dune. But I am also part of the process of understanding Frank Herbert. I am genetically linked to him, and I also heard him say many things (politics, philosophy, etc.) that I have been able to include in new Dune novels. I don't claim to be Frank Herbert or to have anywhere near his talent. But I have bits and pieces of him in everything I do and in every thought I have. He is always with me.

I am not asking anyone to respect me just because they respected Frank Herbert. But I am asking for a fair shake. Unfortunately, it is part of our culture for people to make snap judgments about others without a scintilla of evidence to support their views. They simply have gut reactions, or preconceived notions, and confuse that with evidence. The news media and others are constantly asking people if they think that So-and-So is guilty of this or that, and opinions pour in -- on both sides. Guilty or innocent. But those "trial by public opinion" verdicts are based, in large degree, on filtered information and not on actual evidence. This is a form of shallow thinking, if it can be called thinking at all. It is more emotion-based than intellectual, and the emotions can easily send people careening in the wrong direction.

Obviously, we have vastly more fans who support our new Dune stories than there are detractors. That's why sales of the new novels have been so strong, and why the overwhelming majority of letters that we receive are positive. It is also encouraging to us that sales of Frank Herbert's six Dune novels increased dramatically after Kevin and I started publishing our prequels. Dune in particular has enjoyed a renaissance, as new, younger readers are picking up the classic novel for the first time.

Even with the few negative and unfair comments that Kevin has responded to in his "Conspiracy Theories" blog, I respect those fans. They love the Dune universe and they want the best for it. Remember, though, that it is not possible to please everyone all of the time. Even Frank Herbert could not do that, as many fans and editors did not understand his first sequel Dune Messiah, in which he made the dark side of the hero central to the story. More than a decade after that, in 1984, the David Lynch movie "Dune" was severely criticized as well. In both cases, it was largely because fans had their own images of what the Dune universe should contain, and the sequel novel and the movie did not match those images. For some fans, it is undoubtedly the same now, as the books that Kevin and I write do not match their own images.

In the Dune universe, however, it is important to keep an open mind. It has such an incredible wealth of ideas that anyone working in that "sandbox" is bound to go in any number of directions. That's part of the enjoyment of writing new Dune stories, and I can assure you that Kevin and I are having a wonderful time in the creative process. It is great fun as we play off each other like riffing in a jazz performance, taking each other's ideas to new levels.

Thinking back, I remember how much I enjoyed L. Frank Baum's "Oz" series when I was a boy. I was six years old when my mother handed me a thick Oz novel and told me I was ready to read it. It wasn't long before I had read through all of the Baum books and I was looking for more. Baum had died, but the series was continued by others afterward, particularly by Ruth Plumly Thompson. To my delight, I found that I enjoyed her novels just as much as the originals. In a very engaging style, she wrote Purple Prince of Oz, The Gnome King of Oz, The Silver Princess in Oz, The Cowardly Lion of Oz, and other great stories. If she had not continued the series, it would have been a great loss to me.

On a different level, the Dune series is like that. While the novels are much more complex than Oz stories, Frank Herbert generated a tremendously loyal readership, and those fans were disappointed when he died. They wanted to read new stories. It would be better if he could be here today writing the new novels, but that is not possible. In his absence, Kevin and I are doing the very best job we possibly can. We don't expect to please everyone, but in each novel we always try to write for the most demanding of fans, because we understand why their standards are so high.

The Dune universe stands on its own pinnacle. We recognize that, and we will not publish any books that are not the highest quality. I take this very seriously, and you have my word on it.

Brian Herbert December 15, 2005